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- Revealing the Dynamics and Episodic Supershear in the Feb 6th 2023 M7.8 Kahramanmaraş/Pazarcik Earthquake: near-field records and dynamic rupture modeling
THE FEBRUARY 2023 EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY: Seismological, Geotechnical, Structural
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid, Chunhui Zhao, Esref Yalcinkaya, George Gazetas, Ahmed Elbanna & Ares Rosakis Dynamics of episodic supershear in the 2023 M7.8 Kahramanmaraş/Pazarcik earthquake, revealed by near-field records and computational modeling
- , , Fukae bridge collapse (Kobe 1995) revisited: New insights
- Antonios Mantakas, Angelos Tsatsis, Marianna Loli, Rallis Kourkoulis & George Gazetas Seismic response of a motorway bridge founded in an active landslide: a case study
- , , Pipeline in dense sand subjected to tectonic deformation from normal or reverse faulting
- Konstantina Papadopoulou & George Gazetas (2019) Shape Effects on Bearing Capacity of Footings on Two-Layered Clay
- Konstantina Papadopoulou & George Gazetas (2019) Eccentricity effects on bearing capacity of strip and square footings on two-layered clay
- P Dakoulas, P Vazouras, P Kallioglou… – Soil Dynamics and …, (2018) – Elsevier Effective – stress seismic analysis of a gravity multi-block quay wall
- F Gelagoti, I Georgiou, R Kourkoulis, G Gazetas – Ocean Engineering, (2018) – ElsevierNonlinear lateral stiffness and bearing capacity of suction caissons for offshore wind-turbines
- A Tsatsis, F Gelagoti, G Gazetas – Géotechnique, (2018)-Performance of a buried pipeline along the dip of a slope experiencing accidental sliding
- Garini E., Gazetas G., Anastasopoulos I.,(2017).”Evidence of significant forward rupture directivity aggravated by soil response in an Mw6 earthquake, and the effect on monuments”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.
- Smyrou E., Bal I.E., Tasiopoulou P., and Gazetas G.(2016). “Wavelet analysis for relating soil amplification and liquefaction effects with seismic performance of precast structures”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2701.
- Tasiopoulou P. and Gerolymos N. (2016).”Constitutive Modeling of Sand: Formulation of a New Plasticity Approach”, Soils Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 82, 205–221.
- Loli M., Knappett J., Anastasopoulos I., and Brown M.(2015).”Use of Ricker motions as an alternative to pushover testing”, International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 15(1), 44–55.
- Agalianos A., Sakellariadis L., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G. (2015), “Simplified Method For Seismic Analysis Of Motorway Bridges”, International Journal of Bridge Engineering (IJBE), 3 (1): 49–54.
- Anastasopoulos I., Sakellariadis L., Agalianos A. (2015), “Seismic analysis of motorway bridges accounting for key structural components and nonlinear soil–structure interaction”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 78: 127–141.
- Ntritsos N., Anastasopoulos I., & Gazetas G. (2015). “Static and Cyclic Undrained Response of Square Embedded Foundations”, Géotechnique, 65(10), 805-823. []
- Gazetas G., Zarzouras O., Drosos V., Anastasopoulos I.(2015). “Bridge-Pier Caisson Foundations subjected to Normal and Thrust : Physical Experiments versus numerical analysis”, Meccanica, Vol. 50, pp. 341-354.
- Loli M., Anastasopoulos I. Gazetas G. (2015).“Nonlinear Analysis of Earthquake Fault Rupture Interaction with Historic Masonry Buildings”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 83-95.
- Gazetas G. (2015). “4th Ishihara Lecture : Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems Beyond Conventional Seismic Failure Thresholds”, Soils Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 68, pp. 23-39.
- Garini E., Makris N., Gazetas G. (2015).”Elastic and Inelastic Systems under Near-Fault Seismic Shaking : Acceleration Records versus Optimally-Fitted Wavelets”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 13:459–482
- Kokkali P. P., Anastasopoulos I., Abdoun T. & Gazetas G. (2014).“Static and cyclic rocking on sand: centrifuge versus reduced-scale 1g experiments”, Geotechnique Vol. 64, No. 11, pp. 865–880.
- Loli M., Knappett J.M., Brown M.J., Anastasopoulos I., & Gazetas G. (2014).”Centrifuge Modeling of Rocking-Isolated Inelastic RC Bridge Piers”, Earthquake Engineering &Structural Dynamics, Vol. 43(15), pp. 2341-2359.
- Anastasopoulos I. Kontoroupi Th. (2014). “Simplified Approximate Method for Analysis of Rocking Systems accounting for Soil Inelasticity and Foundation Uplifting”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 56, pp. 28-43.
- Drosos V., Anastasopoulos I. (2014). “Experimental investigation of the seismic response of classical temple columns”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s10518-014-9608-y
- Kourkoulis R., P. Lekkakis, F. Gelagoti, A. Kaynia (2014). “Suction caisson foundations for offshore wind turbines subjected to wave and earthquake loading: effect of soil–foundation interface”, Géotechnique, Vol. 63, pp.1-15.
- Gelagoti F. (2014). “Estimation of strong motion experienced in the vicinity of the Bolu viaduct during the 1999 Duzce earthquake: Development and Validation of a Hybrid Method”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 104(2), 720-740.
- Gazetas G., Anastasopoulos I., Garini Ev., (2014). “Geotechnical Design with Apparent Seismic Safety Factors Well-Bellow 1”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 57, pp 37-45.
- Anastasopoulos I., Kourkoulis R., Gazetas G., Tsatsis A. (2013). “Interaction of Piled Foundation with a Rupturing Normal Fault”, Géotechnique , Vol. 63(12), pp. 1042-1059.
- Fadaee M., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., Jafari M.K., Kamalian M. (2013). “Soil Bentonite Wall Protects Foundation from Thrust Faulting : Analyses and Experiment”, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol.12(3), pp. 473-486.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gelagoti F., Spyridaki, A. Sideri Tz., and Gazetas G.(2014).“Seismic Rocking Isolation of Asymmetric Frame on Spread Footings”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 140(1), pp. 133-151.
- Adamidis O., Gazetas G., Anastasopoulos I. and Argyrou Ch. (2014). “Equivalent- Linear Stiffness and Damping in Rocking of Circular and Strip Foundations”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 12(3), 1177-1200, DOI: 10.1007/s10518-013-9554-0
- Fadaee M., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., Jafari M. (2013). “Soft Vertical Trench Wall : an Alternative to Mitigate Surface Fault Rupture Hazard”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (under review).
- Garini E., Gazetas G., (2013). “Damage Potential of Near-Fault Records : Sliding Displacement against Conventional “Intensity Measures”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 11, pp. 455-480.
- Zafeirakos A., Gerolymos N., Drosos V. (2013). “Incremental Dynamic Analysis of Caisson–Pier Interaction”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 48, 71–88.
- Giannakou A., Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., Tazoh T., Anastasopoulos I. (2013), “Closure to Seismic Behavior of Batter Piles: Elastic Response”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 139(1), pp. 185–187.
- Gazetas G. , Anastasopoulos I., Adamidis O., Kontoroupi Th. (2013). “Nonlinear Rocking Stiffness of Foundations”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering , Vol. 47, pp. 83-91.
- Tasiopoulou P., Gerolymos N., Tazoh T., and Gazetas G., (2013) . “Pile – Group Response to Large Soil Displacements and Liquefaction : Centrifuge Experiments Versus a Physically Simplified Analysis”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 139(2), pp. 223-233.
- Anastasopoulos I., Loli M., Georgarakos T., and Drosos V. (2013). “Shaking Table Testing of Rocking−isolated Bridge Piers”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.17(1), pp. 1-32.
- Drosos V., Georgarakos P., Loli M., Zarzouras O., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G. (2012). “Soil–Foundation–Structure Interaction with Mobilization of Bearing Capacity : An Experimental Study of Sand”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 138(11), pp.1369-1386.
- Drosos V., Gerolymos N., Gazetas G. “Constitutive Model for Soil Amplification of Ground Shaking: Parameter Calibration, Comparisons, Validation.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 42, pp. 255-274.
- Gelagoti F., Kourkoulis R., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., (2012). “Rocking-isolated frame structures – Margins of safety against toppling collapse and simplified design approach“, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 32(1), pp.87-102.
- Giannakos S., Gerolymos N., Gazetas G. (2012). “Cyclic Lateral Response of Piles in Dry Sand : Finite Element Modelling and Validation”, Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 14, pp.116-131.
- Kourkoulis R., Gelagoti F., Anastasopoulos I. (2012). “Rocking Isolation of Frames on Isolated Footings : Design Insights and Limitations”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 16(3), pp.374-400.
- Kourkoulis R., Anastasopoulos I., Gelagoti F., Kokkali P. (2012). “Dimensional Analysis of SDOF Systems Rocking on Inelastic Soil”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 16(7), pp. 995-1022.
- Anastasopoulos I., Kourkoulis R., Gelagoti F., Papadopoulos E. (2012). “Rocking Response of SDOF Systems on Shallow Improved Sand : an Experimental Study”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 40, pp. 15-33.
- Gazetas G., Garini E., Berill J.B., Apostolou M., (2012) .“ Sliding and Overturning Potential of the Christchurch 2011 Earthquake Records”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 41(14), pp. 1921-1944.
- Gelagoti F., Kourkoulis R., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., (2012).“Rocking Isolation of Low- RiseFrame Structures founded on Isolated Footings”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 41, pp. 1177-1197.
- Kourkoulis R., Gelagoti F., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., (2012). “Hybrid Method for Analysis and Design of Slope Stabilizing Piles”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 138 (1), pp. 1-14.
- Gelagoti F., Kourkoulis R., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., (2012). “Nonlinear Dimensional Analysis of Trapezoidal Valleys Subjected to Vertically Propagating SV Waves”, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, Vol.102(3), pp. 999-1017.
- Panagiotidou A.I., Gazetas G., and Gerolymos N., (2012). “Pushover and Seismic Response of Foundations on Overconsolidated Clay: Analysis with P-Δ Effects”, Εarthquake Spectra, Vol. 28(4), pp. 1589-1618.
- Loli M., Bransby M.F., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., (2012) .“Interaction of Caisson Foundations with a Seismically Rupturing Normal Fault: Centrifuge Testing versusNumerical Simulation”, Géotechnique, Vol.62(1), pp. 29-43.
- Kouroussis G., Gazetas G., Anastasopoulos I., Conti C., Verlinden O., (2011). “Discrete Modeling of Vertical Track–Soil Coupling for Vehicle–Track Dynamics”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 31, pp. 17-11-1723.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gelagoti F., Kourkoulis R., Gazetas G., (2011). “Simplified Constitutive model for Simulation of Cyclic Response of Shallow Foundations: Validation against Laboratory Tests”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol.137(12), 1154-1168.
- Loli M., Anastasopoulos I., Bransby M.F., Waqas A., Gazetas G., (2011). “Caisson Foundations subjected to Reverse Fault Rupture : Centrifuge Testing and Numerical Analysis”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental, Engineering, Vol. 137(10), pp. 914-925.
- Smyrou E., Tasiopoulou P., Bal, I.E. and Gazetas G., (2011). “Ground Motions Versus Geotechnical and Structural Damage in the Christchurch February 2011 Earthquake,” Seismological Research Letters, Focused Issue on Christchurch Earthquake, Vol 82(6), pp. 882-892.
- Garini E., Gazetas G., and Anastasopoulos I. , (2011). “Asymmetric ‘Newmark’ Sliding Caused by Motions Containing Severe ‘Directivity’ and ‘Fling’ Pulses”, Géotechnique, Vol. 61, No. 9, 753-756.
- Kourkoulis R., Gelagoti F., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., (2011) .“Slope Stabilizing Piles and Pile-Groups: Parametric Study and Design Insights”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 137(7), p. 663-677.
- Anastasopoulos I., Antonakos G., Gazetas G. (2010).“Slab-Foundation subjected to thrust faulting in dry sand. Parametric analysis and simplified design method”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 30, pp. 912-924.
- Kourkoulis R., Anastasopoulos I., Gelagoti F., Gazetas G., (2010). “Interaction of Foundation−Structure Systems with seismically precarious Slopes : Numerical Analysis with Strain Softening Constitutive Model”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering , Vol. 30, pp. 1430-1445.
- Gelagoti F., Kourkoulis R., Anastasopoulos I., Tazoh T., Gazetas G. , (2010) .“Seismic Wave Propagation in a very soft Alluvial Valley : Sensitivity to Ground Motion “details” and Soil Nonlinearity, Generation of Parasitic Vertical Component”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 100, No.6, pp. 3035-3054.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., Loli M., Apostolou M, Gerolymos N., (2010). “Soil Failure can be used for Seismic Protection of Structures”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 309-325.
- Anastasopoulos I., and Gazetas G., (2010). “Analysis of cut-and-cover tunnels against large tectonic deformation”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 2 pp. 283-308.
- Giannakou Α., Gerolymos Ν., Anastasopoulos Ι., Gazetas G., and Tazoh T.,(2010). “Seismic Behaviour of Batter Piles — I. Elasic Response”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 136, No. 5, 1187-1200.
- Bruni S., Anastasopoulos I., Alfi S., Van Leuven A., Apostolou M., and Gazetas G. , (2009). “Train-induced Vibrations on Urban Metro and Tram Turnouts”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135, No. 7, pp. 397–405.
- Anastasopoulos Ι., Georgarakos T., Georgiannou V., Drosos V., Kourkoulis R. (2010), “Seismic Performance of Bar-Mat Reinforced-Soil Retaining Wall: Shaking Table Testing versus Numerical Analysis with Modified Kinematic Hardening Constitutive Model”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 30(10), pp. 1089–1105.
- Anastasopoulos I. (2009), “Closure to Fault Rupture Propagation through Sand: Finite-Element Analysis and Validation through Centrifuge Experiments”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133(8), pp. 943–958.
- Gazetas G., Garini E., and Anastasopoulos I., (2009). “Effects of Near–Fault Ground Shaking on Sliding Systems”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, 135, No. 12, pp. 1906–1921.
- Anastasopoulos I. Alfi S., Gazetas G. ASCE M., Bruni S., and Leuven V.A., (2009). “Numerical and experimental assessment of advanced concepts to reduce noise and vibration on urban railway turnouts”, Journal of transportation engineering, Vol. 135, 279-287.
- Gerolymos N., Drosos V., Gazetas G. , (2009). “Seismic response of single-column bridge pier on pile : evidence of beneficial role of pile and soil inelasticity, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp 547-573.
- Varun V., Assimaki D. and Gazetas G., (2009). “A simplified model for the transverse response of large diameter caisson foundations”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 29, No.2, 268-291.
- Gerolymos N., Escoffier S., Gazetas G., Garnier J., (2009). “Numerical Modeling of Centrifuge Cyclic Lateral Pile Load Experiments”, Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 61-76.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., Bransby F., Davies M.C.R., and Nahas El. A., (2009). “Normal Fault Rupture Interaction with Strip Foundations ”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol. 135, No 3, pp. 359-370.
- Bruni S., Anastasopoulos I., Alfi S., Van Leuven A., Gazetas G., (2009). “Effects of train impacts on urban turnouts: modelling and validation through measurements”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 324, No. 3–5, pp. 666–689.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., Drosos V., Georgarakos T., and Kourkoulis R., (2008). “Design of bridges against large tectonic deformation”, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 7, pp. 345-368.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., and Bransby M. F., (2008). “Simplified approach for design of raft foundations against fault rupture.Part I : Free-field”, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol.7, pp. 147-163.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., and Bransby M. F., (2008). “Simplified approach for design of raft foundations against fault rupture.Part II : Soil-Structure Interaction”, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 7, pp. 165-179.
- Gazetas G., Pecker A., Faccioli E., Paolucci R., and Anastasopoulos I., (2008). “Preliminary design recommendations for dip-slip fault–foundation interaction”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Special Issue : Integrated approach to fault rupture- and soil-foundation interaction , Vol.6(4), pp. 677–687.
- Anastasopoulos, I., Callerio, A., Bransby, M.F., Davies, M.C.R., El. Nahas,A., Faccioli, E., Gazetas, G., Masella, A.,Paolucci, R., Pecker, A., Rossignol, E., (2008). “Numerical Analyses of Fault-Foundation Interaction”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Special Issue : Integrated approach to fault rupture- and soil-foundation interaction, Vol. 6, pp. 645-676.
- Faccioli, E., Anastasopoulos, I., Callerio, A., and Gazetas, G., (2008). “Fault rupture foundation interaction : selected case histories”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Special Issue : Integrated approach to fault rupture- and soil-foundation interaction, Vol. 6, pp. 557- 584.
- Gerolymos N., Giannakou A., Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., (2008). “Evidence of Beneficial Role of Inclined Piles : Observations and Summary of Numerical Analyses”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.6(4), pp.705-722.
- Tsigginos C. Gerolymos N., Assimaki D. and Gazetas G., (2008).“ Seismic Response of Bridge Pier on Rigid Caisson Foundation in Soil Stratum”, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 33-44.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gerolymos N., Drosos V., Kourkoulis R., Georgarakos T., Gazetas G., (2008). “ Behaviour of Deep Immersed Tunnel under Combined Major Fault Rupture Deformation and Subsequent Strong Seismic Shaking”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 213-239.
- Dakoulas P. & Gazetas G., (2008). “Insight to Seismic Earth and Water Pressures Against Caisson Quay Walls”, Geotechnique, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp 95-113.
- Psarropoulos P.N., Tazoh T, Gazetas G. & Apostolou M., (2007). “Linear and Nonlinear Valley Amplification Effects on Seismic Ground Motion”, Soils & Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society , Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 857-872.
- Anastasopoulos I., & Gazetas G., (2007). “Analysis of Failures of Guardrail Base–Plates in Scissors Crossovers of the Athens Metro : the Role of Foundation–Structure Interaction”, Engineering Failures Αnalysis, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 765- 782.
- Anastasopoulos I., & Gazetas G., (2007). “Foundation-Structure Systems over a Rupturing Normal Fault : I. Observations after the Kocaeli 1999 Earthquake”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 253-275.
- Anastasopoulos I. & Gazetas G., (2007). “Behaviour of Structure–Foundation Systems over a Rupturing Normal Fault : II. Analyses, Experiments, and the Kocaeli Case Histories”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering , Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 277-301.
- Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., (2007). “A model for Grain Crushing Induced LandslidesApplication to Nikawa, Kobe 1995”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 803-817.
- Gerolymos N., Anastasopoulos I. and Gazetas G., (2007). “Opening Ceremony shaft for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games”, Geotechnical Engineering Journal, Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 160, No. 2, pp. 61-71.
- Gerolymos N., Vardoulakis I. and Gazetas G., (2007). “A Thermo Poro Viscoplastic Shear-Band Model for Triggering and Evolution of Catastrophic Landslides”, Soils & Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society , Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 11-25.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gerolymos N., Drosos V., Kourkoulis R., Georgarakos Τ., Gazetas G., (2007). “Νonlinear Response of Deep Immersed Tunnel to Strong Seismic Shaking”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133, No.9, pp. 1067-1090.
- Apostolou M., Gazetas G., Garini E., (2007). “Seismic Response of Simple Slender Structures with Foundation Uplifting”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 27, pp. 642-654.
- Anastasopoulos I., Gazetas G., Bransby F., Davies M.C.R., and Nahas El. A., (2007). “Fault Rupture Propagation through Sand : Finite – Element Analysis and Validation through Centrifuge Experiments”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers , (ASCE), Vol. 133, No 8, pp. 943-958.
- Mylonakis G., Nikolaou S., & Gazetas G., (2006). “Footings under Seismic Loading : Analysis and Design Issues with Emphasis on Bridge Foundations”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 824-854.
- Mylonakis G., Syngros C., Gazetas G., & Tazoh T., (2006). “The Role of Soil in the Collapse of 18 Piers of Hanshin Expressway in the Kobe Earthquake”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.35, pp. 525-545.
- Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., (2006). “ Winkler Model for Lateral Response of Rigid Caisson Foundations in Linear Soil”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 347-361.
- Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., (2006). “Development of Winkler Model for Static and Dynamic Response of Caisson Foundations with Soil and Interface Nonlinearities”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 363-376.
- Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., (2006). “Static and Dynamic Response of Massive Caisson Foundations with Soil and Interface Nonlinearities Validation and Results”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 377-394.
- Gazetas G., Gerolymos N., Anastasopoulos I., (2005). “Response of Three Athens Metro Underground Structures in the 1999 Parnitha Earthquake”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol.25, pp. 617-635.
- Gerolymos N., Apostolou M., Gazetas G., (2005). “Neural Network Analysis of the Overturning Response under NearFault Type excitation”, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 4, No.2, pp 213-228.
- Assimaki D., Kausel E., and Gazetas G., (2005). “Soil –Dependent Topographic Effects : A Case Study from the 1999 Athens Earthquake”, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 21(4), pp. 929-966.
- Assimaki D., Gazetas G., and Kausel E., (2005). “Effects of Local Soil Conditions on the Topographic Aggravation of Seismic Motion : Parametric Investigation and Recorded Field Evidence from the 1999 Athens Earthquake”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 95(3), pp. 1059-1089.
- Gazetas G., (2005). “Ten Years after the Great Hanshin Earthquake : Lessons Learned”, Journal of Civil Engineering, Japanese Committee for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 90 (1), pp. 4759 (translated into Japanese).
- Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., (2005). “Constitutive Model for 1D Cyclic Soil Behaviour Applied to Seismic Analysis of Layered Deposits”, Soils & Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, Vol. 45 (3), p.p.147159.
- Psarropoulos P., Klonaris G., and Gazetas G., (2005). “Seismic Earth Pressures on Rigid and Flexible Retaining Walls”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering , Vol. 25, pp.795809.
- Gerolymos N., Gazetas G., (2005) . “Phenomenological Model Applied to Inelastic Response of SoilPile Interaction Systems”, Soils & Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, Vol. 45(4), p.p. 119-132.
- Assimaki D., Kausel E., Gazetas G., (2005). “ Wave Propagation and Soil-Structure Interaction on a Cliff Crest during the 1999 Athens Earthquake”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 25, p.p 513-529.
- Dakoulas P. and Gazetas G., (2005). “Seismic Effective-Stress Analysis of Caisson Quay Walls : Application to Kobe”, Soils & Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, Vol. 45(4), pp. 133-147.
- Gazetas G., Psarropoulos P., Anastasopoulos I., Gerolymos N., (2004). “Seismic Behaviour of Flexible Retaining Systems Subjected to Short Duration Moderately-Strong Excitation”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 25, 537-550.
- Travasarou Th. & Gazetas G., (2004). “ On the Linear Seismic Response of Soils with Modulus Varying as Power of Depth the Maliakos Marine Clay”, Soils & Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 117.
- Assimaki D. & Gazetas G., (2004). “Soil and Topographic Amplification on Canyon Banks and the Athens 1999 Earthquake”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, pp. 1-44.
- Gazetas G. & Mylonakis G., (2002). “Kinematic Pile Response to Vertical P wave Seismic Excitation”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, pp. 860-867.
- Gazetas G., Kallou P.V., and Psarropoulos P.N., (2002). “Topography and Soil Effects in the Ms 5.9 Athens Earthquake : The Case of Adames”, International Journal of Natural Hazards, Vol. 27, pp. 133-169.
- Nikolaou S., Mylonakis G., Gazetas G., and Tazoh T., (2001). “Kinematic Pile Bending during Earthquakes : Analysis and Field Measurements”, Geotechnique, Vol. 51, pp. 425-440.
- Mylonakis G. & Gazetas G., (2000). “Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction : Beneficial or Detrimental ?”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 4, p.p. 277-301.
- Mylonakis G. & Gazetas G., (1999). “Lateral Vibration and Internal Forces of Grouped Piles in Layered Soil,” Journal of Geotechnical & Geo-Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 125, pp.1-10.
- Mylonakis G. and Gazetas G., (1998). “Vertical Vibration and Addinional Distress of Grouped Piles in Layered Soil”, Soils and Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society;Vol. 38, pp.1-14.
- Mylonakis G. & Gazetas G., (1998). “Settlement and Load Transfer Mechanism of Piles and Pile Groups”, Geotechnique, Vol. 47, pp. 55-72.
- Michaelides O., Bouckovalas G., Gazetas G., (1998). “Non-Linear Soil Properties and Impedances for Axially Vibrating Pile Elements”, Soils and Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, Vol. 38, pp. 129-142.
- Michaelides O., Gazetas G., Bouckovalas G., & Chrysikou Eu., (1997). “Approximate Nonlinear Axial Dynamic Response of Piles”, Geotechnique, Vol. 47, 33-54.
- Mylonakis G., Nikolaou A., & Gazetas G., (1997). “Soil-Pile-Bridge Seismic Interaction: Kinematic and Inertial Effects, Part I : Soft Soil”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 337-360.
- Younis C.J. & Gazetas G., (1996). “Dynamic Response of a Tower-Pier System on Viscoelastic Foundation with Frictional Interface”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 18, pp. 546-557.
- Makris N. , Gazetas G., & Delis E., (1996). “Dynamic Analysis of Pile-Soil-Structure Interaction: Records and Predictions”, Geotechnique, Vol. 46, pp. 33-50, (Τ.Κ. Hsieh Award, Institution of Civil Engineers, London).
- Michaelidis O., Gazetas G., & Loukakis C., (1996) . “The January 17, 1995, Kobe Earthquake: the Role of Soil and the Damage in Bridges and Harbors”, Civil Engineering Bulletin, Athens, No. 224, pp. 33-53.
- Uddin, N. & Gazetas G., (1995). “Dynamic Response of Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dams”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 121(5), pp. 185-197.
- Gazetas G., & Uddin N. , (1994). “Permanent Deformations on Preexisting Sliding Surfaces in Dams”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol 120, No 11, 2041-2061.
- Makris N., Badoni D., Delis E., & Gazetas G., (1994). “Prediction of Observed Bridge Response with Soil Pile Structure Interaction”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No 10, 2992-3011.
- Yegian M.K., Ghahraman, V.G. & Gazetas G., (1994) . “1988 Armenia Earthquake, I: Seismological, Geotechnical, and Structural Overview,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 1, 1-20.
- Yegian M.K., Ghahraman, V.G. & Gazetas G., (1994). “1988 Armenia Earthquake, II: Damage Statistics versus Geological and Soil Profiles,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 1, 21-45.
- Yegian M.K., Ghahraman, V.G. & Gazetas G., (1994) . “Seismological, Soil and Valley Effects in Kirovakan, 1988 Armenia Earthquake,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 2, 330-348.
- Yegian M.K., Ghahraman, V.G. & Gazetas G., (1994). “Ground Motion and Soil Response Analyses for Leninakan, 1988 Armenaia Earthquake”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 2, 349-365.
- Gazetas G., Fan K., & Kaynia A., (1993). “Dynamic Response of Pile Groups with Different Configurations,” Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, 12, 239-257.
- Kavvadas M. & Gazetas G., (1993). “Kinematic Seismic Response and Bending of Free-head Piles in Layered Soil,”, Geotechnique, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 207-222.
- Makris N. & Gazetas G., (1993). “Displacement Phase Differences in a Harmonically Oscillating Pile,” Geotechnique, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 135-150.
- Gazetas G. & Dakoulas P., (1992). “Seismic Analysis and Design of Rockfill Dams: State of the Art”, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Voil. 11, No 1, 27-61.
- Makris N. & Gazetas G., (1992). “Dynamic Soil-Pile Interaction. Part II. Lateral and Seismic Response,” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 145-162.
- Ahmad S. & Gazetas G., (1992). “Torsional Stiffness of Arbitrarily-Shaped Embedded Foundations,” Journal of Geotechnical Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 8, pp. 1168-1185.
- Ahmad S. & Gazetas G., (1992). “Torsional Damping of Arbitrarily-Shaped Embedded Foundations,” Journal of Geotechnical Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 8, pp. 1186-1199.
- Gazetas G., Fan K., Kaynia A., & Kausel, E., (1991). “Dynamic Interaction Factors for Floating Pile Groups,” Journal of Geotechnical Engrg, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 10, pp. 1860-1879.
- Fan K., Gazetas G., Kaynia A., Kausel E., & Ahmad S., (1991). “Kinematic Seismic Response of Single Piles and Pile Groups,” Journal of Geotechnical Engrg, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 12, pp. 1531-1548.
- Gazetas G., (1991). “Formulae & Charts for Impedance Functions of Surface and Embedded Foundations,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 9, pp. 1363-1381.
- Gazetas G. & Stokoe K.H., (1991). “Free Vibration of Embedded foundations: Theory vs. Experiment,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 9, pp. 1382-1401.
- Gazetas G. & Makris, N., (1991). “Dynamic Analysis of Pile-Soil-Pile Interaction. Part I: Analysis of Axial Vibrations,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 115-132.
- Gazetas G., (1990). “A Study on Lateral Dashpots for Soil-Structure Interaction and its Application to a Simplified Technique”, Soils & Foundations, Vol. 30, No. 4.
- Gazetas G., Dakoulas, P., & Papageorgiou A., (1990). “Local-Soil and Source Mechanism Effects in the 1986 Kalamata Earthquake,” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 19, pp. 431-456.
- Hatziconstantinou C., Gazetas G. and Tassoulas, J.L., Fotopoulou, M., Kotsanopoulos, P., (1989). “Rocking Stiffness of Arbitrarily-Shaped Embedded Foundations,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 115, No. 4, pp. 455-472.
- Fotopoulou M., Kotsanopoulos P., Gazetas G. and Tassoulas, J. L., (1989). “Rocking Damping of Arbitrarily-Shaped Embedded Foundations,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 115, No.4, 1989, 4734-490.
- Gazetas G. and Hatziconstantinou, C., (1988). “Elastic Formulae for Lateral Deflection and Rotation of Arbitrarily Shaped Embedded Foundations,” Geotechnique, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 439-444.
- Dobry, R. and Gazetas G., (1988). “Simple Methods for Dynamic Stiffness and Damping of Floating Pile Groups,” Geotechnique, Vol. 38, No.4, pp. 557-574.
- Dakoulas, P. and Gazetas G., (1987). “Vibration Characteristics of Dams in Narrow Canyons,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 8, pp. 899-904.
- Gazetas G., (1987). “Experience Gained and Questions Raised from the Geotechnical Earthquake Investigation in Kalamata,” Bulletin of the Public Works Research Center, No. 4, pp. 241-245.
- Gazetas G. and Tassoulas J. L., (1987). “Horizontal Stiffness of Arbitrarily-Shaped Embedded Foundations, ” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 5, pp. 440-457.
- Gazetas G. and Tassoulas, J.L., (1987). “Horizontal Damping of Arbitrarily-Shaped Embedded Foundations,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 5, pp. 458-475.
- Gazetas G., (1985). “Seismic Response of Earth Dams: Some Recent Developments”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1987, State-of-the-Art Volume, pp.1-48, (presented as Keynote Speech at the 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Dyn. & Earthq. Engrg., June 28-July 3, 1985).
- Gazetas G., (1987). “Seismic Analysis of Concrete Face Rockfill Dams,” Discussion Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 10, 1247-1251.
- Constantinou, M.C. and Gazetas G., (1986). “Loading of Anisotropic Quarter Space,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 112, No. 10, pp 1021-1040.
- Dobry R. and Gazetas G., (1986). “Dynamic Response of Arbitrarily-Shaped Foundations,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol., 113, No. 2, pp. 109-135.
- Dobry, R., Gazetas G. and Stokoe, K.H., (1986). “Dynamic Response of Arbitrarily-Shaped Foundations Experimental Verification,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 112, No.2, pp. 136-154.
- Hatziconstantinou, C., Gazetas G. and Tassoulas, J.L., (1986). “Static Rotational Stiffness of Arbitrarily-Shaped Embedded Foundation,” Scientific Papers, Athens Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1-29.
- Dakoulas, P. and Gazetas G., (1986). “Seismic Shear Strains and Seismic Coefficients in Dams and Embankments, ” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 75-83.
- Dakoulas, P. and Gazetas G., (1986). “Seismic Shear Vibration of Embankment Dams in Semi- Cylindrical Valleys,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 14, pp. 19-40.
- Gazetas G., Dobry, R. and Tassoulas, J., (1985). “Vertical Response of arbitrarily-Shaped Embedded Foundations,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 111, No. GT6, pp. 750-771.
- Dakoulas, P. and Gazetas G., (1985). “A Class of Inhomogeneous Shear Models for Seismic Response of Dams and Embankments,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 166-182.
- Gazetas G., T, J.L., Dobry, R. and O’Rourke, M.J., (1985). “Elastic Settlement of Arbitrarily Shaped Foundations Embedded in Halfspace,” Geotechnique, Vol. 35, No.3, pp. 339-346.
- Gazetas G. and Dobry, R., (1984). “Horizontal Response of Piles in Layered Soils,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 110, No. GT1, pp. 20-40. (Received the James Croes Medal of ASCE, 1985.)
- Gazetas G., (1984). “Seismic Response of End-Bearing Single Piles,” International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 82-93.
- Gazetas G. and Dobry R., (1984). “Simple Radiation Damping Model for Piles and Footings,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 110, No.6, pp. 937-956. (Received the 1984 Outstanding Publication Award of the Hudson-Mohawk Section of ASCE).
- Constantinou M.C., Gazetas G. and Tadjbakhsh I., (1984). “Stochastic Seismic Sliding of Rigid Mass Against Asymmetric Coulomb Friction, ” International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 12, pp. 777-793.
- Constantinou M.C. and Gazetas G., (1984). “Torsional Vibration on Anisotropic Halfspace,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 110, No. GT11, pp. 1549-1558.
- Gazetas G., (1983). “Analysis of Machine Foundation Vibrations: State-of-the-Art”, International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 2-43. (Keynote Lecture at the 1st Int. Conf. on Soil Dyn. & Earthq. Engrg., July 13-15, 1982.)
- Krishnan, R., Gazetas G. and Velez, A., (1983). “Static and Dynamic Lateral Deflexions of Piles in Non-homogeneous Stratum,” Geotechnique, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 307-325.
- Velez A., Gazetas G. and Krishnan, R., (1983). “Lateral Dynamic Response of Constrained-Head Piles,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 109, No. GT8, pp. 1063-1081.
- Gazetas G., (1982). “Stresses and Displacements in Cross-Anisotropic Soils”, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division ASCE, Vol. 108, GT4, pp. 532-553. (Received the 1982 Outstanding Publication Award of the Hudson Mohawk Section of ASCE).
- Gazetas G., Debchaudhury, A. and Gasparini, D.A., (1982). “Stochastic Estimation of the Non-linear Seismic Response of Earth Dams”, International Journal of Soil dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 39-46.
- Tsiatas, G. and Gazetas G., (1982). “Plane-Strain and Shear Free Vibration Characteristics of Earth and Rockfill Dam”, International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 150-160.
- Gazetas G., (1982). “Shear Vibrations of Vertically Inhomogeneous Earth Dams”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol.6, pp. 290-241.
- Gazetas G., (1982). “Vibrational Characteristics of Soil Deposits with Variable Wave Velocity”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 6, pp. 1-20.
- Gazetas G., (1982). “Axisymmetric Parabolic Loading of Cross Anisotropic Halfspace”, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 108, GT, pp. 654-660.
- Gazetas G., (1982). “Progressive Collapse of Rigid-Plastic Circular Foundations”, Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, EM6, 493-508.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Longitudinal Vibrations of Embankment Dams”, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, GT1, PP. 21-40. (Received the Alfred Noble Prize from the Engineering Societies of America).
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Torsional Displacements and Stresses in a Non-homogeneous Soil”, Geotechnique, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 487-496.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Strip Foundations on Cross-Anisotropic Soil Layer Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loading”, Geotechnique, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 161-179.
- Gazetas G., Debchaudhury, A. and Gasparini, D.A., (1981). “Random Vibration Analysis of Earth Dam Seismic Response”, Geotechnique, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 261-279.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Machine Foundations on Deposits of Soft Clay Overlain by a Weathered Crust”, Geotecnhnique, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 387-398.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Dynamic Compliance Matrix of Rigid Strip Footing Bonded to a Viscoelastic Cross-Anistropic Halfspace”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.23, No. 9, pp. 547-5601.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Indentation of Anistropic Halfspace by a Yielding Circular Foundation”, Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, pp. 695-704.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Ultimate Behavior of Continuous Footings in Tensionless Contact with a Three-Parameter Soil Model”, Journal of Structural Mechanics, Vol. IX, No. 3, pp. 339-362.
- Gasparini D., Debchaudhury A. and Gazetas G., (1981). “Random Vibration Analysis of Shear Beams”, International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 599-612.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “A New Dynamic Model for Earth Dams Evaluated Through Case Histories”, Soils and Foundations, Journal of the Japanese Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 29-40.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Vertical Oscillation of Earth and Rockfill Dams: Analysis and Field Observation”, Soils and Foundations, Journal of the Japanese Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 265-277.
- Gazetas G., (1981). “Variational Estimation of Raft Settlement on Cross-Anisotropic Soil”, Soil and Foundations, Journal of the Japanese Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation, Vol. 21, No.4, pp. 109-116.
- Gazetas G., (1980) . “Static and Dynamic Displacements of Foundations on Heterogeneous Multi-Layered Soils”, Geotechnique, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 159-177.
- Gazetas G., and Roesset J.M., (1979). “Vertical Vibrations of Machine Foundations”, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 105, No. GT12, pp. 1435-1454.
- Gazetas G., and Yegian M.K., (1979). “Shear and Rayleigh Waves in Soil Dynamics”, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 105, No. GT12, pp. 1455-1470.
- Gazetas G., and Tassios T., (1978). “Elastic-Plastic Slabs on Elastic Foundation”, Journal of the Structural Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 104, No. ST4, pp 621-636.
- Gazetas G., (1978). “Soil Effects on the Dynamic Response of Nuclear Plants Subjected to Earthquake Motions: Part I: Liquefaction, Part II: Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction”, Technica Chronica, No. 3, pp. 21-40.
- Tassios T. and Gazetas G., (1977). “Plastic Analysis of Rectangular Mat Foundations Resting on Elastic Subgrade”, Scientific Papers, N.T.U. Athens, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 25-56.
Major Discussions in Journals
- Michaelides O., & Gazetas G., (1995). “Impedance Functions of Piles in Inhomogeneous Media”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 121, No.2, pp. 234-236.
- Gazetas G., (1995). “Simplified Approach for Pile and Foundation Interaction Analysis”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 121, No. 2, pp. 228-230.
- Gazetas G. & Stokoe, K.H., (1992). “Free Vibration of Embedded Foundations: Theory vs. Experiment,” Discussion Closure, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, 118, pp. 1862-1867.
- Gazetas G., (1992). “Evaluation of in situ Effective Shear Modulus from Dispersion Measurements,” Discussion, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 8, pp. 1120-1122.
- Constantinou M.C. & Gazetas G., (1991). “Torsional Oscillations on Anisotropic Halfspace,” Discussion, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp 1209-1212.
- Gazetas G. and Stokoe K.H. (1991).”Free Vibration of Embedded Foundations : Theory Versus Experiment”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 9, Discussion by Mark Svinkin (paper 26173)
- Gazetas G., (1984). Discussion of “Rocking Vibration of Footings,” by H.R. Sreekantiah, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 100, No. GT1,pp. 128-131.
Monographs, Chapters in Books, Special Publications
- Tazoh T., Sato M. Jang J. Taji Y., Gazetas G. & Anastasopoulos I., (2010). “Kinematic Response of Batter Pile Foundation : Centrifuge Tests”, Soil–Foundation–Structure–Orense, Chouw & Pender (eds), Taylosr & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60040-8.
- Ziotopoulou A. & Gazetas G., (2010). “Are Current Design Spectra Sufficient for Soil-Structure Systems on Soft Soils?, Advances in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering, Springer, M. Fardis, Editor, Chapter 8, pp. 79-87.
- Gazetas G., Anastasopoulos I. and Apostolou M. (2007). “Shallow and Deep Foundations Under Fault Rupture or Strong Seismic Shaking”, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering , Springer, K. Pitilakis (ed), Chapter 9, pp. 185-215.
- Gazetas G., Anastasopoulos I., Gerolymos N., Mylonakis G., Syngros C., (2006). “The Collapse of the Hanshin Expressway (Fukae) Bridge, Kobe 1995 : Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction, Reconstruction, Seismic Isolation”, Entwicklungen in der Bodenmechanik, Bodendynamik und Geotechnik, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Univ.-Professor Dr.-Ing.habil. Stavros Savidis, (Herausgegeben von Dr. –Ing.Frank Rackwitz), pp. 93-120.
- Gazetas G , (2001) .“Analytical and experimental estimation of the ground motions in the meizoseismal region of the Athens 1999 earthquake”. Research Report to OASP, Vol. 13.
- Mylonakis G., Gazetas G., Gerolymos N., and Anastasopoulos J., (2000). “Detrimental Role of Soil Structure Interaction and the Collapse of the 18Pier Fukae Bridge in Kobe”, Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics, [Honorary Volume for Professor A.N. Kounadis, J.T. Katsikadelis, D.E Beskos., and E.Gdoutos, Editors] , pp 145159.
- Gazetas G., & Psarropoulos P.N., (1998). “Field Observations and Numerical Simulations”, Chapter 3, in 3D Site Effects and SoilFoundation Interaction in Earthquake and Vibration Risk Evaluation, Edited by: E. Faccioli, R. Paolucci and M. Vanini.
- Gazetas G., & Mylonakis G., (1998). “Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction : New Evidence and Emerging Issues”, Soil Dynamics III, American Society of Civil Engineers, (ASCE), Specialty Geotechnical Conference, Seattle, Vol. 2, p.p. 1119-1174.
- Gazetas G., (1997). “Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction During Earthquakes”, Proceedings of the Advanced Study Course SERINA — Seismic Risk : An Integrated Seismological, Geotechnical and Structural Approach, Published by ITSAK, Thessaloniki, pp. 301-354.
- Gazetas G., & Michaelides Od., (1996). “Shallow Foundations : Numerical Validation Based on Pseudostatic Finite Element Analyses”, Seismic Behaviour and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures, E. Faccioli, R. Paolucci, (ed.), Report to European Commission, p.p. 36-39.
- Gazetas G., & Nikolaou A., (1996). “Shallow Foundations : Deep Foundations”, Seismic Behaviour and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures, E. Faccioli, R. Paolucci, (ed.), European Commission, p.p. 115-129.
- Gazetas G., (1995). “The Aegion (Greece) 15-6-1995 Earthquake: Analysis of Damaged Soft-First-Story Buildings with Emphasis on the Collapse of the Administration Building of E.B.O.”, TEE Bulletin, Athens.
- Gazetas G. & Bouckovalas G., (1992). “Seismic Analysis of Retaining Walls with Emphasis on Gravity Quaywalls,” Bulletin of the Greek Society of Civil Engineers, No. 209, pp. 34-46.
- Gazetas G. Fan, K., Tazoh T., Shimizu K., Kavvadas M., & Makris N., (1992). “Seismic Pile-Group–Structure Interaction”, Piles under Dynamic Loads, ASCE, S. Prakash, ed., pp. 56-93.
- Gazetas G., & Makris N., (1991). “Dynamic Response of Pile Groups to Axial Harmonic Excitation,” Analysis and Design in Concrete and Soil Engineering, A Volume honoring Prof. T.P. Tassios.
- Gazetas G., (1991). “Foundation Vibrations,” Foundation Engineering Handbook, 2nd Edition, H.Y. Fang, Ed., Kluwer / Springer, Chapter 15, pp. 553-593.
- Gazetas G., (1987). “Soil Dynamics: an Overview” , Dynamics of Foundations and Underground Structures, Elsevier Applied Science, Chapter 1, pp. 1-39.
- Gazetas G., (1987). “Simple Physical Methods for Foundation Impedances,” Dynamics of and Underground Structures, Elsevier Applied Science, Chapter II, pp. 40-97.
- Gazetas G. (1981). “Deformational Soil Anisotropy : Experimental Evaluation and Mathematical Modeling”, Case Institute of Technology, Case Western Reserve University, Publication N. 8102, pages 100
- Tassios, T.P. and Gazetas G., (1979). “Pre-draft of a New Greek Aseismic Code”, Monograph Published by the N.T. University of Athens, 170 pages.