- Gazetas G., “Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering – Case Histories”. Symeon Publishers, Athens 1996. (317 p.p. in Greek)
- Gazetas G., “Reprints of Articles of SoilDynamic and Geotechnical Mechanics 1997-1998”. NTUA 1998
- Gazetas G., “Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction”. Tsotras Publication 2015
- Gazetas G., “Soil Mechanics Notes”. (252 p.p. manuscript, in Greek)
- Gazetas G., “Soil Dynamics Notes”. (320 p.p. manuscript, in Greek)
- G. Gazetas and E.T. Selig, editors, “Vibration Problems in Geotechnical Engineering”. Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, October 1985, pp. 303
- G. Gazetas, Y.Goto, T. Tazoh, editors, “Seismic Analysis, Design, and Retrofit of Foundations”. Proceedings of the 1st Greece-Japan Workshop, Athens, October 2005, pp.457
- T. Katayama, G. Gazetas, editors, “Seismic Analysis, Design, and Retrofit of Foundations”. Proceedings of the 2nd Japan – Greece Workshop, Tokyo April 2007, pp. 536
- G. Gazetas, Y.Goto, T. Tazoh editors, “Seismic Analysis, Design, and Retrofit of Foundations”. Proceedings of the3rd Greece-Japan Workshop, Santorini October 2009, pp. 692
- T. Tazoh, G. Gazetas, editors, “Seismic Design of Foundations, Innovations in Seismic Design and Protection of Cultural Heritage”. Proceedings of the 4th Japan – Greece Workshop, Kobe October 2011, pp. 575
- G. Gazetas, editor, 3rd National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens November 2008, pp. 356
- G. Michaltsos, G. Gazetas, editors, “Innovations on Bridges and Soil-Bridge Interaction”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bridges, Athens, October 2011