The ISO 9001−certified, Division for Simulation of Soil–Structure Systems of the Laboratory, owns state of the art equipment, able to guarantee the optimum delivery of any research-driven or industry-related project.
Commissioned in 2005, the experimental facility comprises :
- A 2.5 ton capacity shaking table, capable of simulating any seismic motion (artificial and real records).
- A 3m-long split-box, capable of simulating quasi-static ground deformation (faulting).
- A 1 ton capacity pushover apparatus with reaction wall, capable of displacement-controlled slow-cyclic loading.
- A sand raining system, ensuring repeatability in sand specimen preparation.
In addition to the above major equipment the Laboratory is equipped with latest-technology data acquisition (DAQ) systems and sensors (such as accelerometers, LVDTs, wire and laser displacement transducers, pressure and load cells, strain gauges, etc.), high-speed cameras, and image analysis (PIV) software.
More detailed information about the available experimental equipment may be obtained through the sub-menus on the left.
The Numerical-analytical branch is equipped with state-of-the-art computers, capable of conducting 3D numerical analyses (finite element and finite differences), with minimum time delay. This allows conducting parametric analyses, taking account of material (soil and superstructure) and geometric nonlinearities (sliding and detachment at the soil-foundation interface). Moreover, the numerical- analytical branch develops new numerical algorithms, constitutive models, and in-house software. It cooperates with the experimental branch, directly exploiting experimental data for model calibration and validation, but also as proof-of-concept for new innovative concepts.