Edited Books
Seismic Design, Observation, and Retrofit of Foundations
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Proceedings: List of Papers
1. Deep Foundations : Modeling, Analysis, Design
N. Gerolymos, G. Gazetas Non-linear Lateral Response of Caisson Foundations |
1 |
N. Gerolymos, G. Gazetas, T. Tazoh Seismic Response of Yielding Pile in Non-linear Soil |
25 |
G. Mylonakis Ohba-Ohashi Pile-supported Bridge Experiment Revisited: Paradoxes and New Interpretations |
37 |
K. Okawa, H. Kamei, F. Zhang, M. Kimura Seismic Performance of Group-Pile Foundation with Inclined Steel Piles |
53 |
M. Saitoh Minimization of Fixed-Head Pile Bending at Optimal Pile Radius |
61 |
2. Deep Foundations in Liquefiable Ground
R. Boulanger Behavior of Pile Foundations in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground |
69 |
H. Kiku, M. Nakane Shaking Table Tests on Mechanism of Uplift of Underground Structures in Liquefiable during Earthquake |
77 |
T. Tazoh, M. Sato, G. Gazetas Centrifuge Tests on Pile-Foundation-Structure Systems affected by Liquefaction-Induced Flow due to Quay-Wall Collapse |
79 |
N. Yoshida, Y. Ohya Damage to Pile in Liquefied Ground and Applicability of Analysis |
107 |
3. Shallow Foundations and Soil-Foundation Interaction
A. Pecker Design and Construction of the Foundations of the Rion-Antirion Bridge |
119 |
M. Apostolou, G. Gazetas Rocking of Foundations under Strong Shaking: Mobilisation of Bearing Capacity and Displacement Demands |
131 |
C. T. Chatzigogos, A. Pecker, J. Salençon Seismic Bearing Capacity of Circular Foundations |
141 |
P. Dakoulas, G. Gazetas Dynamic Earth and Water Pressures in the Foundation and the Backfill of Caisson Quaywalls |
165 |
K. Pitilakis, E. Kirtas, E. Rovithis Is it Possible to Improve the Seismic Structural Behavior with Intervention to Subsoil and Foundation Conditions? |
185 |
A. Palmeri, N. Makris Response Analysis of Rigid Structures on Viscoelastic Foundation |
203 |
A. Sextos, A. Kappos, K. Pitilakis Recent Developments on the Effect of Asynchronous Earthquake Excitation on the Dynamic Response of Bridges |
211 |
4. Shallow Foundations and Liquefaction
T. Travasarou, J. D. Bray, R. Sancio Insights from Soil Structure Interaction Analyses of Buildings in Adapazari Turkey |
229 |
K. Andrianopoulos, G. Bouckovalas, D. Karamitros Effective Stress Analysis for the Seismic Response of Shallow Foundations on Liquefiable Sand |
239 |
C. A. Stamatopoulos, A. C. Stamatopoulos Damage of Buildings on Liquefiable Soil in terms of the Rigidity of Shallow Foundation |
249 |
C. Vrettos Design Issues for Immersed Tunnel Foundations in Seismic Areas |
257 |
5. Remediation and Retrofit
Y. Adachi, A. Nanjoh , H. Ishizaki Inspection, Restoration from the Earthquake Damage, and Seismic Retrofit of Urban Expressway Pile Foundations |
267 |
T. Matsuda Advanced In-service Seismic Retrofitting Methods for Railway Viaducts |
277 |
A. Modaressi, D. Clouteau, F. Lopez-Caballero, D. Pitilakis Use of Numerical Modeling as a Practical Tool for Retrofitting of Foundations |
289 |
G. Penelis, G. Penelis, A. Sextos Evaluation of the Observed Damage and Rehabilitation Study of Two R/C Biological Treatment Tanks |
299 |
S. Nakamura, M. Akiyama, S. Sawada Study on the Evaluation of Damage Degree and Fragility Curve for Civil Engineering Structure |
311 |
6. Design on Fault
J. Bray Engineering to Accommodate Ground Deformations Associated with Surface Fault Rupture |
319 |
I. Anastasopoulos, G. Gazetas Design against Fault Rrupture: Methodology and Applications in Greece |
345 |
7. Cyclic Soil Behaviour and Ground Excitation
S. Savidis Non-linear Constitutive Equations for Sand under Cyclic Loading Conditions and Application to Earthquake Engineering |
367 |
H. Sakai, M. Yoshizawa Seismic Capacity Evaluation of River Dikes using Finite Element Deformation Analysis |
375 |
K. Wakamatsu, M. Matsuoka GIS-Based Nationwide Site-Amplification αnd Liquefaction Zonings using Japan Engineering Geomorphologic Classification Map |
383 |
A. Tsomokos, V. N. Georgiannou Liquefaction Curves of Two Fine – Medium Sands |
391 |
8. Site Effects, Ground Improvement,Other Geotechnical Topics
D. Assimaki Topography-Soil-Structure Interaction Effects during the 1999 Athens Earthquake |
395 |
P. N. Psarropoulos, Y. Tsompanakis, Y. Karabatsos Impact of local Site Conditions and Dynamic Soil – Structure – Interaction on the Seismic Response of Embankments |
407 |
C. A. Stamatopoulos, M. Bassanou The Seismic Motion Applied on a Foundation near Sloping Ground during the 1995 Aegion Earthquake and a Method Mitigating this motion |
415 |
A. Liolios, I. Ioannou, N. Rachaniotis, E. Sakoumpenta, S. Tsotsos, K. Pitilakis A Numerical Approach to The Unilateral Contact Dynamic Problem of Soil-Pile Interaction |
427 |
P. Georgarakos, M. Yegian, G. Gazetas In-Ground Isolation using Geosynthetic Liners |
432 |
A. G. Papadimitriou, A. Vytiniotis, G. D. Bouckovalas Equivalence between 2-D and 3-D Numerical Simulations of the Seismic Response of Improved Sites |
441 |
Special Topic
Y. Goto Disaster Caused by the 2004 Northern Sumatra Island Offshore Earthquake and the Indian Ocean Tsunami |
449 |
Seismic Design, Observation, and Retrofit of Foundations
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Conference Papers
1. Tunnels, Retaining Systems, and Landslides
Gazetas, G., Anastasopoulos, I., Gerolymos, N., Drosos, V., Kourkoulis, R. and Georgarakos, Τ. Deep immersed tunnel under combined major fault rupture deformation and subsequent strong seismic shaking |
1 |
Gerolymos, N., Gazetas G. and Vardoulakis, I Seismic triggering, evolution, deposition, and retaining of rapid landslides |
27 |
Kourkoulis, R., Gelagoti, F., Anastassopoulos, I. and Gazetas, G. Interaction of earthquake-triggered landslide with foundation-structure systems |
51 |
Kouretzis, G., Bouckovalas, G., Sofianos, A. and Yiouta-Mitra, P. Detrimental effects of urban tunnels on design seismic ground motions |
64 |
Vrettos, C. Seismic analysis of near-surface tunnel cross-sections |
72 |
Garini, E. and Gazetas, G. Sliding of rigid block on sloping plane: the surprising role of the sequence of long-duration pulses |
79 |
Mylonakis, G., Kloukinas, P. and Papantonopoulos, C. A replacement to the Mononobe–Okabe equations by stress limit analysis |
105 |
Adachi, Y., Yoshimura, S. and Nakata, T. A study on ground displacement due to fault slip and its influence to underground structure |
123 |
2. Shallow Foundations and Soil–Structure Interaction
Luo, X., Miyamoto, T. and Imamura, T. Study on applicability of seismic-isolation foundation to railway structures |
131 |
Iiba, M., Watakabe, M., Fujii, A., Koyama, S., Sakai, S. and Yasui, M. A study on dynamic soil-structure interaction effect based on microtremor measurement of building and surrounding ground surface |
135 |
Kawano, K., Kimura, Y. and Nakamura, Y. Damage index evaluations of SDOF system with dynamic soil-structure interaction |
143 |
Palmeri, A. Makris, N. Seismic response of rigid structures stepping on nonlinear foundation |
150 |
Paolucci, R., Shirato, M. and Yilmaz, M. T. Numerical simulations of shaking table experiments on a shallow foundation test model at PWRI, Japan |
158 |
Apostolou, M. and Gazetas, G. Analytical modelling of footings under large overturning moment |
165 |
Maravas, G. Mylonakis and D. L. Karabalis Natural period and effective damping of simple structures on footings and piles |
185 |
Anastasopoulos, L. Gazetas, G. Interaction of shallow and deep foundations with a rupturing normal fault |
197 |
Pitilakis, D., Clouteau, D. and Modaressi, A. The role of the soil stiffness on the dynamic impedance functions |
212 |
Kirtas, E., Trevlopoulos, K. , Rovithis, E. and Pitilakis, K. Fundamental period of sdof systems including soil-structure interaction and soil improvement |
225 |
Kosa, K., Ando, T., Adachi, Y. and Shirato, M. Analytical study on seismic design of footings subjected to earthquake loading |
238 |
Higuchi, S., Nishioka, H., Tanaka, K., Koda, M. and Hirao, J. Development of the sheet-pile foundation; a series of seismic proving tests |
246 |
Kawashima, K., Nagai, T. and Sakellaraki, D. Rocking seismic isolation of bridges supported by spread foundations |
254 |
3. Deep Foundations
Ohtomo, K., Sato, Y. and Sakai, M. Effects of limit state performance of steel bearings on a bridge upper structure |
267 |
Shirato, M., Kouno, T., Nakatani, S. and Paolucci, R. Large-scale model tests of shallow foundations subjected to earthquake loads |
275 |
Gerolymos, N., Drosos, V., Escoffier, S., Gazetas, G. and Garnier, J. Numerical modeling of centrifuge cyclic lateral pile load experiments |
299 |
Maugeri, M. and Castelli, F. Seismic retrofitting of the piled foundation of a reinforced concrete building |
320 |
Giannakou, A., Gerolymos, N. and Gazetas, G. Influence of batter piles on the seismic response of pile groups |
335 |
Rovithis, E., Kirtas, E. and Pitilakis, K. Effect of the natural frequencies of the coupled soil-pile-structure system on pile dynamic response |
344 |
Rovithis1, E., Kirtas1, E. and Pitilakis1, K. Utilization of P-Y curves for estimating soil – pile interaction under seismic loading |
357 |
Varun, Assimaki, D. and Gazetas, G. Linear elastic transient response of deep rigid foundations: From 3D finite element simulations to design |
369 |
Pitilakis, K., Anastasiadis, A., Kakderi, K., Argyroudi, S. and Alexoudi, M. Seismic zonation, vulnerability assessment and loss scenarios in Thessaloniki |
386 |
Saitoh, M. Minimization of fixed-head pile bending at optimal radius under realistic conditions by using seismic deformation method |
401 |
Maki, T., Tsuchiya, S., Watanabe, T. and Maekawa, K. Seismic response analysis of pile foundation using finite element method |
409 |
Tuladhar, R., Mutsuyoshi, H. and Maki, T. Seismic behavior of single pile in cohesive soil |
417 |
Shiotani, T., Miwa, S., Aggelis, D. G., Luo, X. and Haya, H. Passive and active stress wave techniques for damage assessment of railway piers |
424 |
4. Liquefaction Densification Related Studies, and others
Tazoh, T., Sato, M., Jang, J. and Gazetas, G. Centrifuge tests on remedial measure using batter piles against liquefaction-induced soil flow after quay wall failure |
431 |
Kerciku, A. A., Bhattacharya, S. and H. J. Burd Why do pile-supported bridge piers and not abutments collapse in liquefiable soils during earthquakes? |
440 |
Dakoulas, P. Effect of excess pore water pressure buildup on building damage |
453 |
Papadimitriou, G., Moutsopoulou, M.-E. and Bouckovalas, G. D Numerical analysis of gravel drain performance in liquefiable soils |
467 |
Egglezos, D. Estimating earthquake induced settlements on granular soils – Application to shallow foundations |
479 |
Georgiannou, V. N. and Tsomokos, A. Unstable behaviour of a fine sand under cyclic loading |
491 |
Schenkengel, K.-U., Becker, A. and Vrettos, C. Numerical simulation of liquefied sand using a shear-thinning fluid model |
497 |
Papadopoulou, A. I. and Tika, T. M. On the liquefaction resistance of silty sands |
504 |
Matsuda, T. and Sato, K. Effect of countermeasures for pile foundation under lateral flow caused by liquefaction |
513 |
Yoshida, N. Effect of duration of earthquake on onset of liquefaction |
521 |
Soejima, M., Suizu, A., Ejiri, J. and Matsuda, T. A simple evaluation method for earthquake damage to the quay walls |
527 |
Kataoka, S. Effect on records of seismic intensity-meter by adjacent building |
531 |
Seismic Design, Observation, Retrofit of Foundations
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4th Japan-Greece Workshop:
Proceedings: List of Papers
1. Pile Foundations, Liquefaction
S. Bhattacharya, T. Tazoh, J. Jang, M. Sato A study on the behavior of raked piles in seismically liquefiable soils |
1 |
T. Tazoh, M. Sato, J. Jang, Y. Taji, G. Gazetas Kinematic Response of Batter Pile Foundation: Centrifuge Tests |
20 |
A. Giannakou, N. Gerolymos, G. Gazetas Kinematic and Inertial Behavior of Batter Piles |
36 |
V.A. Drosos, N. Gerolymos, G. Gazetas Seismic Response of Bridge Pile–Columns |
51 |
S. Mori Efficiency of Equal Energy Assumption for Evaluating Ductility Factors of a Pile |
71 |
Y. Goto Sinkage of a Pile Foundation during the Niigata‐ken Chuetsu‐oki Earthquake in 2007 |
82 |
M. Sato, K. Tabata Large‐scale Shake Table Tests on Lateral Spreading of Sheet‐pile Quay Wall and Pile Foundation |
89 |
K. Tabata, M. Sato E‐Defense Shaking Table Test on Liquefaction‐Induced Lateral Spreading of Large‐Scale Model Ground with Quay Wall and Pile‐Supported Structure |
96 |
A. Valsamis, G. Bouckovalas, E. Drakopoulos Design charts for single piles under lateral spreading of liquefied soil |
104 |
P. Tasiopoulou, N. Gerolymos, T. Tazoh, G. Gazetas Piles in Liquefaction–Induced Soil Flow behind Quay Wall: A Simple Physical Method Versus Centrifuge Experiments |
114 |
A. Ohta, F. Miura,Y. Ono, J. Kiyono Finite Element Analysis of Pile‐Soil Interaction System by Overlaying Mesh Method |
128 |
F. Zhang, Y. Jin Unique description of liquefaction behavior of Toyoura sands with different densities |
140 |
2. Earthquake Observations, Ground Motions
S. C. Dutta, P. Mukhopadhyay, S. Bhattacharya Impact of Moderate Earthquakes in Post‐Bhuj Era: Case Study of Sikkim 2006 and Durgapur 2008 Earthquakes, India |
154 |
A. Mikami, Y. Nariyuki, T. Matsuda Statistical Evaluation of Embedment Effect on Damage to RC Building Structures during the 1995 Hyogoken‐Nanbu Earth‐quake |
171 |
Masanori Hamada, Xu Wu Global Increase of Natural Disasters and International Cooperation for Disaster Mitigation |
177 |
H. Iemura, M.H. Pradono, M. Sugimoto Tsunami Damage Studies and Construction of the Memorial Poles in Banda Aceh |
186 |
A. Moulay The Algerian Experience of Covering Earthquake Damages and Applied Techniques of Reinforcement |
193 |
T. Tobita, S. Iai, T. Iwata Numerical Analysis of Near‐Field Asymmetric Vertical Motion |
206 |
E. Garini, G. Gazetas, N. Gerolymos Effect of Pre‐Yielding Elasticity on Sliding Triggered by Near‐Fault Motions Modeled as Idealized Wavelets |
219 |
A. Ziotopoulou, G. Gazetas The Irrationality of Current Seismic Code Spectra for Soft Soils :Proposed Remedy |
229 |
3. Soil–Structure Interaction
M. Iiba, Y. Umemura, O. Kurimoto, T. Akita, M. Teshigawara, K. Watanabe Calculation of seismic response of building based on pushover analysis of SSI model |
238 |
K. Kawano, Y. Kimura Aftershock Effects on Damage Evaluations for Soil Structure Interaction System |
258 |
M. Nakamura, Y. Kitamura, J. Suzumura, K. Hanada Soil‐Structure Interaction Problem of a School Building Based on Earthquake Records and Dynamic Substructure Method |
267 |
K. Pitilakis, E. Kirtas, E. Rovithis Effect of Foundation Soil Interventions to the Seismic Response of Mdof Structures |
276 |
S. Miwa, A. Furukawa, J. Kiyono Shaking table test on seismic behavior of gravestome similar to stone pillars with and without reinforcement |
287 |
M. Saitoh Mechanical Representation of Dynamic Stiffness of Soil‐Foundation Systems |
296 |
E.J. Sapountzakis, A.E. Kampitsis Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Partially Supported Beam‐Columns on Nonlinear Elastic Foundation Including Shear Deformation Effect |
302 |
S. Nakamura, S. Nishiyama, T. Matsumoto, Y. Miyagawa Seismic risk of the underground structure considering the uncertainty of seismic action |
330 |
D. Pitilakis Topographic irregularities and soil – foundation – structure interaction |
330 |
M. Apostolou Numerical modelling of shallow foundation under cyclic overturning moment and validation through centrifuge experiments |
344 |
4. Bridges: Analysis, Design, and Retrofit
Y. Adachi, H. Kanaji, T. Nishioka Retrofit technologies of long‐span bridges in Hanshin Expressway |
355 |
N. Gerolymos, G. Gazetas Pile Foundations in Improved Soil for Highway Bridge facing Liquefaction–Induced Soil Flow |
362 |
I. Anastasopoulos, R. Kourkoulis, V. Drosos, T. Georgarakos, G. Gazetas Methodology for Design Analysis of Bridges against an Emerging Fault Rupture |
375 |
I. Anastasopoulos, M. Loli, N. Gerolymos, M. Apostolou, G. Gazetas Towards a Reversal of Seismic Capacity Design. Part A : Analy‐sis of Bridge Pier–Foundation System |
393 |
I. Anastasopoulos, T. Georgarakos, V. Drosos, S. Giannakos, G. Gazetas Towards a Reversal of Seismic Capacity Design : Part B. Shaking‐Table Testing of Bridge Pier–Foundation System |
407 |
I. Anastasopoulos Simplified Method for the Design of Raft Foundations against a Direct Hit by Thrust Faulting |
419 |
E. Stavropoulou, I. Anastasopoulos, G. Gazetas Preliminary SFSI Studies for the Messina Bridge Foundations |
438 |
H. Wang Field Observations of Wenchuan Earthquake of May 12 2008 |
449 |
P. Dakoulas Lateral and Longitudinal Seismic Vibrations of Concrete Face Rockfill Dams |
470 |
H. Kimata, Y. Fujita, H. Horii, M. Yazdani Dynamic Crack Propagation Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams with Jointed Rock Foundation |
486 |
O.J. Ktenidou, D. Raptakis, K. Pitilakis, F.‐J. Chávez‐García Engineering aspects of site and topography effects at Aegion, Greece |
495 |
R. Kourkoulis, F.Gelagoti, I. Anastasopoulos, G. Gazetas Piles for Stabilising Seismically Precarious Slopes. Part A : Development and Validation |
506 |
R. Kourkoulis, F.Gelagoti, I. Anastasopoulos, G. Gazetas Piles for Stabilising Seismically Precarious Slopes. Part B : Parametric Analysis and Design Charts |
520 |
N. Sitar, L. Al Atik On seismic response of retaining structures |
534 |
N. Gerolymos The Nikawa (1995) and Higashi – Takezawa (2004): Modelling and Numerical Analysis |
545 |
N. Yoshida Effect of hysteretic damping and stiffness at unloading on response of ground during Earthquake |
573 |
6. Monuments
A. Miltiadou‐Fezans Structural restoration process to protect a world heritage monument after an earthquake disaster: the case of the Katholikon of Dafni Monastery in Attica Greece |
584 |
V. Koumousis On the Dynamic Behavior of a Lightweight Isolator for Museum Artifacts |
605 |
P. Mukhopadhyay, S. C. Dutta, S. Bhattacharya Lessons learnt from the Impact of Sikkim 2006 Earthquake on Heritage Structures |
615 |
K. Pitilakis, S. Hemeda Seismic Response Analysis of Underground Monumental Structures. The Catacombs of Kom El‐Shoqafa, Alexandria, Egypt. |
629 |
I.N. Psycharis, H.P. Mouzakis, A. Miltiadou, P. Pavlopoulou, I.M. Taflampas Estimation of the seismic response of historical structures and evaluation of interventions |
644 |
T. Zimmermann, A. Strauss In Plane Response of old Masonry under Seismic Loads |
658 |
N. Makris The reconstruction of the north‐east corner of the temple of Zeus at Nemea, Greece |
665 |
Furukawa A., Kiyono J., Toki K. Dynamic Analysis of Rupture Process of Masonry Buildings using New Simulation Method |
678 |
Seismic Design of Foundations, Innovations in Seismic Design, and Protection of Cultural Heritage
Proceedings: List of Papers
Volume 1
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K. Konagai The impact of the March 11th 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake – As a substitute for the welcome address |
i |
G. Gazetas To our dear Japanese friends |
iii |
Invited papers
M. Hamada & N. Y. Yun Future Directions of Earthquake-Tsunami Disaster Reduction Based on the Lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake |
5 |
K. Kawashi’ma R. Zafra, T. Sasaki, K. Kajiwara, & M. Nakayama Effectiveness of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite for Enhancing the Seismic Performance of Bridge Columns |
11 |
K. Pitilakis The European research project SYNER-G: Systemic seismic vulnerability and risk analysis for buildings, lifeline networks and infrastructures safety gain |
23 |
S. Lagomarsino et. al. PERPETUATE Project: the performance-based assessment for the earthquake protection of cultural heritage |
29 |
A/I. K. Yegian, & S. G. Arzoumanidls Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofitting of the Historic Brooklyn Bridge |
35 |
E. Vintzileou Testing a cross vault and a two storey masonry building on the shaking table: Preliminary experimental results |
63 |
Submitted papers
K. Kosa, L Fu, H. Shimizu, & T. Sasaki Damage Analysis of Utatsu Bridge Affected by Tsunami due to Great East Japan Earthquake |
71 |
N. Nakamura Seismic Response Analysis Using Energy Transmitting Boundary in the Time Domain |
81 |
H. Kimata, P. Rungbanaphan, K. Fukutake, J. Jang, Y. Murono, A. Toyooka, & T. Nishlmura Influence of the Embedded Length of Friction Pile on Seismic Isolation Effect of Elevated Railway Bridge Rigid Frame |
93 |
Y. Jin, X. Bao, & F. Zhang Soil-water Coupling Analysis of Real-scale Field Test on Group-Pile Foundation Subjected to Cyclic Horizontal Loading |
99 |
S. Bhattacharya, S.R.Dash, D.Lombard!, N.A.AIexander, T. Tazoh, J.Jang, & M. Sato Dynamic centrifuge tests to study the transient bending moments in piles during liquefaction |
107 |
A. Ohta, & F. Miura Parametric Study on Pile-Soil Interaction Analyses by Overlaying Mesh Method |
123 |
M. Saitoh, T. Saito, T. Hikima, M. Ozawa, & K. Imanishi On the Performance of a Mechanical System Emulating Dynamic Stiffness of Soil-Foundation Systems |
135 |
K. Pitilakis, K. Trevlopoulos, & G. Tsinidis Demand spectra for PBD In case of Improved soils, existence of basements and shallow underground cavities |
141 |
M. Loll, & Anastasopoulos Normal and Reverse Fault Rupture Interaction with Caisson Foundations : Centrifuge Modeling and Numerical Simulation |
159 |
I, Anastasopoulos, R. Kourkoulis, & Papadopoulos 1-g Experimental Investigation of the Metaplastic Rocking Response of 1-dof Oscillators on Shallow Footings |
169 |
Volume 2
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V. Calugaru, & M. Panagiotou Earthquake-Resistant Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Seismic Isolation and Rocking Core-Walls |
183 |
T. Tazoh, M. Sato, J. Jang, Y. Taji, H. Kimata, N. Kobayashi, & G. Gazetas Seismic Behavior of Batter Pile Foundation: Centrifuge Tests and Analytical Study |
199 |
S. Kataoka Amplitude dependent response for three-story moment-resistant building during earthquakes |
217 |
K. Uno, M. MItou, & H. Otsuka Shaking Table Test of Bridge Pile Foundation in Liquefied Ground Focused on Section Force to the Intermediate Part of Pile |
227 |
S. Ishizaki, T. Nagao, & K. Tokimatsu Dynamic Centrifuge Model Test of Pile-Supported Building with Semi-Rigid Pile Head Connections in LIquefiable Soil |
237 |
M. liba, & K. Watanabe Effects of inertial and kinematic interaction on vibration of an apartment building based on earthquake observation records |
247 |
Anastasopoulos, M. Loll, V. Drosos, & . Gazetas Cyclic Pushover and Shake Table Testing of Bridge Pier with Foundation Uplifting and Soil Yielding |
261 |
Ph. S. Karydakis, I. Vagias, & G. loannldiss INSTED: Innovative Stiffness and Energy Dissipation System, Final Report |
271 |
A. Higatani, K. Sasaki, & N. Hamada Earthquake Damage Estimating System in Hanshin Expressway Network |
279 |
K. Wakamatsu Historic Liquefaction Sites In Japan, 745-2008 |
287 |
T. Sato Physical Meaning of Phase in Earthquake Motions |
297 |
K. Pitilakis, A. Anastasladis, & E. Riga New soil classification system and amplification factors for seismic code provisions |
307 |
K. Pitilakis, & K. Kakderi Seismic risk assessment and management of lifelines, utilities and infrastructures |
323 |
Ev. Garini, & G. Gazetas The Christchurch 2011 Earthquake: Elastic and Perfectly-Plastic Response Potential of Selected Ground Motions |
349 |
S. Lagomarsino Seismic vulnerability of ancient churches: damage observation after L’Aquila earthquake (2009) |
359 |
H. Alexakis, & N. Makris Structural Stability and Bearing Capacity Analysis of the Tunnel- Entrance to the Stadium of Ancient Nemea |
377 |
S. Nagata, K. Kanazawa, & K. Kajiwara Seismic Damage Evaluation on Full-scale Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns based on Ambient Vibration Monitoring |
393 |
K. Kawano, & K. Nagafuchi Uncertainty effects on seismic response evaluations of ground pavement system |
403 |
I. Yoshida Development of MPS method for simulation of slope failure |
413 |
H. Kimata, Y. Fujita, M.R. Okhovat, & M. Yazdani Preliminary Study on Earthquake-induced Progressive Failure of Jointed Rock Foundation Supporting Arch Dam |
421 |
N. Yoshida, & Y. Ohya Some notes on liquefaction analysis in simple two-dimensional formulation |
429 |
K. Hoiikoshi, H. Ishii, H. Matsui, & K. Higaki Development of New Liquefaction Countermeasure Aimed for Old Existing Structures |
435 |
M. Shinohara, & H. Kanaji Seismic Performance of an Integrated Steel Pipe Bridge Pier by Multi Steel Pipes with Hysteretic Shear Damper |
443 |
M. Nakayama, T, Sasaki, R. Zafara, K. Kajiwara, & K. Kawashima Shake Table Experiment on Damage Free RC Bridge Column Using E-Defense |
451 |
Z. Shi, K. Kosa, J. Zhang, & H. Shimizu Seismic Evaluation of a RC Rigid-Frame Arch Bridge Affected by Wenchuan Earthquake, May 12th, 2008, China |
459 |
A. Mikami Method of Evaluating Average Shear Wave Profiling for Levees by Using Microtremor Measurement |
471 |
P. Vazouras, S. Karamanos, & P. Dakoulas Seismic Performance of Buried Steel Pipelines Crossing Strike-Slip Seismic Faults |
487 |
Volume 3
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M. Nakamura, & J. Suzumura An Estimation Method of Frequency Response Functions and Its Application to Vertical Array Earthquake Records |
501 |
Y. Goto, M. H. Pradono, R. P. Rahmat, A. Hayashi, & K. Miyatake Strong Ground Motion and Damage to Large Scale Buildings by September 30, 2009 Earthquake in Padang, Indonesia |
513 |
S. Argyroudis, & K. Pitilakis Seismic vulnerability of shallow tunnels. Application to the metro of Thessaloniki, Greece |
521 |
S.D. Fotopoulou, & K.D. Pitilakis Towards an analytical tool for quantifying vulnerability of simple RC buildings to permanent co-seismic slope deformation |
539 |
D. Egglezos Estimation of Earthquake Induced Dry Settlements of CFR Dams |
557 |
A. Zafeirakos, & N. Gerolymos Effect of Soil and Interface Nonlinearities on the Response of Caisson-Supported Bridge Piers |
569 |
S. Giannakos, N. Gerolymos, & G. Gazetas Single Pile vs. Pile Group Lateral Response under Asymmetric Cyclic Loading |
577 |
P. Tasiopoulou, & G. Gazetas Seismic Analysis of Reinforced-Earth Wall on Precarious Soil Improved with Stone Columns |
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