ΑSPROGE : Seismic Protection of Bridges (2003-2006)
The scope of the project was the assessment of the seismic behaviour of new bridges and the improvement of their seismic performance, and the evaluation of the actual seismic response and vulnerability of existing Greek bridges, with emphasis given on bridges with large span and/or large total length. Within the framework of the general objectives, the matters addressed were related to the analysis of bridge structures (including their foundation) and their seismic design, the use of devices and systems of seismic isolation and energy dissipation, the design of constructional arrangement of critical regions, the experimental design of critical parts, as well as the instrumentation and monitoring of bridge behaviour. The contribution of SGM to this project was focused on (i) the evaluation and improvement of methods for inelastic static analysis of the seismic response of bridges, (ii) the implementation of improved methods of analysis to study open issues of soil–pile−foundation–pier interaction, (iii) the improvement of analysis methods in modeling the seismic response of integral bridges by consideration of the embankment participation, (iv) the application of comprehensive analysis methods to the study of currently open issues regarding the effect of spatial variability of ground motion on the response of bridges. Additionally, the verification/calibration of methods developed was achieved through analysis of typical failures from Kobe and Northridge earthquakes. The critical evaluation of the results derived from the above analyses resulted in a well-documented assessment of the completeness and reliability of current design codes and practice, and contributed towards a more rational management of seismic risk.