Pythagoras Project was a multi-disciplinary research Project within NTUA that aimed to investigate both numerically and experimentally the triggering, evolution and deposition of rapid landslides.
The Project aimed to shed some light to some complicated mechanisms associated with:
- The triggering of landslides: topographic amplification of the seismic excitation, stain-softening phenomena, possible liquefaction of sandy layers, grain crushing, and thermo-poro-plastic mechanics of soils.
- Interaction of the landslide mass with overlying or stabilizing structures (i.e. passive piles, caissons, retaining walls e.t.c.).
During the Project duration the SGM group (as part of the NTUA laboratory of Soil Mechanics Team) developed state of the art mathematical models, constitutive relations and advanced numerical algorithms. The project resulted in about 7 journal and conference proceedings papers.